Herbs for colds and flus

There are lots of herbs we can use to help us manage the symptoms of colds and flus naturally. Here are just a few:


Mullein soothes inflamed mucus membranes, it can loosen mucus and make it easier to get rid of. Mullein is great for coughs as it opens up the lungs and gets rid of tightness. As an antispasmodic it reduces the spasms caused by coughing, it is best taken as a tincture.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root soothes irritated and inflamed mucus membranes in the respiratory tract. It can reduce inflammation in the airways and relieve a dry cough. It can be taken in tincture or capsules of powdered root.


Elecampane is easy to grow and found in most gardens, it is antibacterial and soothing, great for suppressing irritating coughs. Also great where there is lots of mucus due to its decongestant action. It can be taken as a tincture or as a tea.


Eyebright best known for its use in eye conditions and allergies but also an excellent remedy for any problems of the mucous membranes. Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties it is great for sinusitis and nasal congestion.

Elderberry and Elderflower

A great antiviral that can reduce the duration and severity of flu and cold symptoms. Elderberries are great in tinctures and syrups and also make a delicious tea. Elderflowers are diaphoretic, they can help relieve fevers and headaches.  Elderflowers are from the same tree but a different time of the year, also great in a tea.


Thyme contains Thymol which has a great antimicrobial action, it helps sore throats, relieves coughs, blocked noses and as an expectorant it clears mucus. You can take this in a tincture or a tea, you can make your own using dried thyme or fresh thyme steeped in boiling water for 10 mins.


It contains a compound called allicin that has antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties so it’s great for fighting infections and boosting immune health. Its best to eat garlic fresh and raw (only for the brave), crush or slice it first to activate the allicin within the garlic. Sprinkle on soups or salads, add to honey to take the edge off.


Rosehips are full of Vitamin C, they provide an immune boost and are anti inflammatory. Use dried in a tea or powdered in your morning shake or juice.

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